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We’ve lowered our business loan interest rates 

Business Loans & Funding

We’ve lowered our business loan interest rates 

Updated: 12 February 2024

Good news – we have updated the fixed rates available on our business loans.

As inflation is beginning to drop and the base rate set by the Bank of England is predicted to be cut, we’re now able to provide lower interest rates to give small businesses a better deal.

From today, borrowers or clients who apply for funding could get a fixed-rate business loan from 6.9% per year. As we also offer no early settlement fees, this means a loan from us could give your business both security and flexibility – with more control over your cash flow, as well as the option to pay it off whenever suits you.

Here’s what your business loan could cost: 

£90,000 over 5 years could cost only = 

£1,969 per month* 

With a loan of that size, you could invest in equipment, marketing or more staff members, update your premises, launch a new project, fund your growth plans and more. 

We’re constantly reviewing our pricing so we can give small business owners the most competitive rates possible, and we’re hopeful that this change will allow us to say yes to even more businesses in the UK. 

If a loan could help you take your next step this year, check your eligibility in just 30 seconds here.

*Total repayable £118,156. Example includes interest with rates of 8.4% and completion fees. Example is indicative and intended as a guide only. 

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