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Watch – 3 flourishing businesses flying the flag for Wales

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Watch – 3 flourishing businesses flying the flag for Wales

Updated: 6 August 2020

Investors lending through Funding Circle have an incredible impact on businesses throughout the UK. To celebrate St David’s Day, we travelled down the M4 to meet with three welsh business owners that have been able to go further thanks to your help. 

Over 2,200 businesses in Wales have borrowed over £146 million through Funding Circle so far. One such business is Uniform2Go, a school uniform suppliers in Bridgend. The business’s founder Emma Reese took a loan so they could increase their offering “The funding helped us to buy in a lot more stock, so we could supply at least 15 more schools.”  

Welsh businesses

Kristian Bailey has also seen his business go from strength to strength since taking funding. He heads up Computers For Flooring, a software company that provides a complete management solution for flooring companies. “Since I’ve been involved with Funding Circle, we’ve doubled our net profits year on year for the last four years.”

Darren Evans, who runs a karting business in Newport called Gwent Karting, also says it’s fantastic to be part of the business community in Wales and contributing something back. “There’s a self-belief among Welsh businesses now that wasn’t there 20 years ago, and that does give me an tremendous sense of pride.”

Watch our video to find out more about their stories and how your lending has helped them go further.

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