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Outdoor enthusiast goes for growth

Funding Stories

Outdoor enthusiast goes for growth

Updated: 9 January 2023

Meet Jim Whittaker, Managing Director at Channel Group and full-time outdoor enthusiast. While teaching science and outdoor education in schools, Jim began to realise that there were things he wanted to do, such as training apprentice instructors and delivering exciting new activities, were best achieved outside of formal education. So he set out to do something about it.

In 2012, Jim and his friend Darren quit their day jobs and started Channel Group, founded with a simple mission: to get more people out and about in the beautiful outdoors. In Jim’s words, “It’s smiles on faces, it’s being in a totally natural environment, where people can just relax, express themselves and be themselves without the clutter of modern life.”  From teaching personal development programmes in Taunton to providing high-quality lessons in Minehead, the adventurous team cover all bases.

Five years on, Channel Group has grown to become a hugely successful outdoor activity business. In order to keep up with the high demand for their courses, Jim needed more passionate people to join the team. Turning to Funding Circle for support, Jim was able to progress with his growth plans thanks to you and other investors. “I can’t ever see any bank loan offer being inline with an aspiration to do some really cool stuff in the outdoors – Funding Circle is about that.”

In this short video, learn more about Jim’s passion for outdoor education:

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