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Hosting our first ever broker panel at the Full Circle, our bi-annual company event 

Introducer News

Hosting our first ever broker panel at the Full Circle, our bi-annual company event 

Updated: 20 June 2023

Last month was an exciting one for the broker team at Funding Circle as we hosted our first ever broker panel at the Full Circle, our bi-annual company event. 

Hosted by Ben Frank, one of our senior BDMs, the panel was formed by Amelia Thompson-Seabrook from Portman Asset Finance, George Holmes from Aurora Capital and Joseph Babalola from Funding Bay. We discussed everything from how our process and offering shapes up against competitors, to what their clients are looking for most in terms of finance right now. This discussion was then followed by a live Q&A, where the wider company could ask questions to our brokers directly for the first time. 

The panel was a hit, with Joseph from Funding Bay telling us: “I found the experience to be extremely enlightening as it provided me with valuable insights into Funding Circle’s approach to the market. 

Meeting with your various teams was a pleasure, and it was clear that your company’s shared vision of excellence is what has made you a market leader. As brokers, we tend to only see one aspect of the lending process, so the opportunity to learn from your company, as well as our competition, was exciting. Thank you again for the opportunity.”

Our Half Circle and Full Circle events aim to inspire Circlers by reinvigorating our mission and highlighting real borrower and broker stories. Alongside this, the leadership team also gives an update on the company’s strategy, and celebrates team successes across the business. 

We are looking to include brokers in other Funding Circle events in the future, including feedback sessions. Please speak to your BDM if you are interested.

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