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Government-backed loans now available for your clients 

Introducer News

Government-backed loans now available for your clients 

Updated: 6 September 2023

We’re delighted to announce that we’re offering the Government’s Recovery Loan Scheme (RLS) once again. Offering this scheme allows us to say yes to even more businesses, and provide access to the finance your clients need to adapt, thrive and drive their business forward. 

Key features of the Recovery Loan Scheme: 

  • Finance of £25,001 – £250,000 
  • Terms from 2 to 6 years 
  • Access to funding if you already have an RLS, CBILS or BBLS loan

We’ll also continue to offer our fast, fixed-rate Funding Circle loans alongside RLS. Simply fill in our application or referral form as normal and we’ll assess which product your client is eligible for. If we’re able to offer a loan on the same or better terms without RLS, we will do so.

The scheme comes with a 70% Government guarantee. However, this guarantee is to the lender and the borrower always remains 100% liable for the debt.

What’s the eligibility criteria? 

To be eligible to apply for RLS with Funding Circle, your clients must: 

  • Have a turnover of up to £45 million 
  • Be trading in the UK for a minimum of 2 years
  • Be a limited company 
  • Use the loan for business purposes such as working capital or investment 
  • Not be in difficulty or have any collective insolvency proceedings ongoing

If you’d like more information on the RLS scheme, please visit the British Business Bank website. And of course, you can contact us at or if you have any questions or concerns.

Great Review: